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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Jake's Shining Moment, Yet Another First-Rate Jake Stone Thriller


Jake’s Shining Moment, A Jake Stone Thriller (Book 13) is available at e book stores world-wide, including through the following links:


Amazon UK



Barnes & Noble


“I originally bought a Jake Stone novel because it was 99 cents. Then I got hooked and bought all the rest of the novels! I love Snowflake - she gives feminism a new face! Jake is a lovable, henpecked guy. The women are all great. I can hardly wait for a new one to be published.”

“I have purchased the books in this series from 1-9 and have enjoyed reading them all. They keep you reading and wanting to know what happens next.”


Sidetracked from their planned expedition to Mount Ararat in Turkey to uncover the remnants of Noah's famous Ark, Snowflake and Jake must confront a gang of villains intent on causing a global gender role reversal that could threaten the foundations of civilization.  After Snowflake is captured in a cunning ambush, Jake is forced to lead an assault on the enemy's remote mountain compound at the head of a rag-tag crew of feisty and athletic women.

“The entertainment value that T. L.Peters serves up at a price of .99 USDs a helping is a good reason to keep reading. While the exploits may be bizarre, they continue to captivate. It helps that Peters writes like a whirling dervish. There is always another one coming, whether in this series or one of his others.” Linda A. Root, “a prosecutor” and author of the acclaimed novel, The First Marie and the Queen of Scots.   

"Jake is at his best in this wild and action-packed tale."  Theodora

"Jake is all man in this little adventure--or should I say 'all woman' as he rivals even the great and fabled Snowflake in tenacity and grit.  Very entertaining!!"  Damsel