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Most of my novels are available as NOOK books through Barnes & Noble, as kindle books through Amazon, and on virtually every digital format, platform and device, including the iPad. To read more about a particular novel or to purchase a copy, click on one of the links in the right hand column under the book's title. See the bottom of this page for complete reviews and sample chapters. Feel free to contact me at: thome at verizon.net

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fatal Innocence is in final edits before release. Stay tuned for a fun and exciting read.

 Fatal Innocence, coming soon from Solstice Publishing.

Mike Talbert is tasked by his boss with devising a scheme to deep-six an incriminating draft email from the personal computer of a prominent politician. Someone with presidential ambitions. And Mike must perform this treachery without risking charges of evidence tampering or obstruction of justice.  Never one to let ethics or the law get in the way of his ambitions, Mike comes up with a plan to enlist professional thieves to steal the computer. The trouble is, the plan works better than Mike or his boss could have hoped, but complications arise when the women in their lives turn on them in unexpected ways. Will things ever go right for Mike?