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Friday, October 16, 2020



"A fun and enjoyable read.  Well-drawn characters.  One wonders if things will ever go right for Mike."    

Amazon e book


Amazon print book


The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Jeremiah 17:9




My friend Casey, like me, did not set out to be a criminal.

We had graduated from fine law schools with the best of

intentions, but, like me, he had slipped into dangerous

habits under the slow pressure of circumstance.


                              *      *      * 


“I don’t like the implied threats, Michael,” she said,

gulping down the last bite of spinach before proceeding to

slice her steak into bite-sized, identical squares. I couldn’t

help thinking that the steak had it far easier than I soon

would. “And don’t try to deny it. You become frantic when

I don’t return your phone calls right away. You’re always

checking up on me in that sneaky way of yours. I don’t

enjoy being under such pressure. I’m a flirt, Michael. You

know that. If you were more secure, you could handle me.

We might even be able to make something of our

relationship, but you are who you are. Men like you don’t

change, or at least not without turmoil, and at this stage of

my life I don’t need the drama. I'm sorry to have to be so

hard on you Michael, but you deserve it. You know you

deserve it. I will always pay you the respect of honesty,

Michael. I don't do that with every guy, you know. I've cut

you a lot more slack than I ever have with any other guy.”


I had no idea what she was talking about. I couldn’t

remember ever becoming frantic with her, even when she

didn’t call me back for days, and I had never checked up on

her either. I thought I had always played it rather cool and

restrained in her presence. A lot of the time I felt as if I

were on pins and needles around her, always afraid to

offend her, to slip up, to give the impression I was a hick

with a law degree who somehow had stumbled into a great

career. She was probably right about me though. Madison

was always right about guys like me. Despite my inner

turmoil, I remembered my dictum to be ever contrite. There

was still some hope for me. Hadn't she said that she had

made more allowances for me than she typically did with

guys? It was the greatest compliment she had ever paid me.

“I’m sorry for being such a jerk,” I muttered weakly

as I chewed. “I’ll do better. I promise.”

Mike Talbert, an ethically challenged and ruthlessly ambitious lawyer, decides to put his love life temporarily on hold when his crooked boss enlists his aid in defending a prominent politician against corruption charges, but Mike is dismayed to learn that his girlfriends have other ideas. 


